Christian Jones

Christian, making a peace sign in a vain attempt to look cool.
Fig 1: Imagine this, but without the glasses!
Full Name:
Mr Christian Jones
Dept of Mathematical Sciences
Job Title:
Integrated PhD Statistical Applied Mathematics
+44 1225 388388
Who uses one of these nowadays?
E-mail Address:
Postal Address:
Mr Christian Jones
Dept of Mathematical Sciences
University of Bath
United Kingdom
Ifton Band with Michael Portillo.


Welcome to my website! If you want to know about me, this is the place! I am originally from a town called Flint in North Wales, but I've lived in Bath on and off for the past seven years. My undergraduate degree was a MMath at the University of Bath, and I am currently a member of Cohort 8 at SAMBa. My mathematical interests are in fluid dynamics, and as such, I am studying for a PhD involving non-Newtonian fluids.

When I'm not solving equations, I can be found playing video games (MarioKart is still the undisputed favourite), or I can be found playing tuba with the City of Bath brass band. With a previous band, I performed a video over lockdown, and I even made it onto TV! (See picture).

Previous Units

PhD Year 1

Units undertaken:

MRes Year

Units undertaken:

Semester 1

Semester 2